Savings accounts

Make your savings more interesting. Our wide range of savings options could help you get your money working harder.    

man and woman sitting down with coffee looking at phone

Looking for more information about savings?

We're here to help you save with confidence. So if you need a bit more support on different areas of saving, you can look up key information from us. Find out more:

Free advice on your money?

Our My Money Review service could help your money go further. Simply tell us about your situation, and our savings specialists will provide personal recommendations on ways we could help you make more of your money. Best of all, it’s a free service.

Smiling man at computer desk

You're protected up to £85,000

Your eligible deposits with Skipton Building Society are protected up to a total of £85,000 by the Financial Services Compensation Scheme (FSCS), the UK's deposit guarantee scheme.

Learn more about the FSCS

Already saving with us? We're here when you need us

Having savings in place is a great way to prepare for the future. But, if you need any extra support we're here for you. Visit our help and support page for information on a range of topics - including tips for keeping your money safe online.

Smiling man talking to a woman