We've redesigned our website to improve your experience. You may see some pages with the old design, until we’ve updated them all.

Our members only settle for more

Make the most of membership with our exclusive rates, products and free services.

Exclusive member benefits 

We believe that loyalty can’t be bought, but it can absolutely be rewarded. You only need £1 saved or a mortgage with us to be a member. So if that’s you, take a look at our exclusive offers and see how we are giving more with Our Member Commitments.

Latest member offers

Exclusive member savings accounts

Being a member means having access to exclusive member services and accounts, you get more because membership means more. So take a look and see if you could make even more of your savings today.

Two women in a row boat on a lake. One is wearing a yellow coat and blue hat, the other a red jumper

Free Pension Health Check

Are you on track for the retirement you want? Our FREE Pension Health Check for members could help you see what you might need to do to move in the right direction.

Find out more and book your appointment.

Older couple hugging and laughing together

Free EPC Plus Report

We’re offering our members who own a home over 10 years old a free EPC Plus home energy report from Vibrant. It can help you see what energy saving improvements you could make to your home.

Vibrant are owned by Connells Limited, part of the Skipton Group. EPC Plus is not regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority.

Woman using a thermostat app on a wall-mounted touch screen

What existing members say about us

"I have used Skipton for about 7 years, I have never had even a mildly unpleasant experience. Can speak with a person very quickly and they are always super polite and helpful. They are outlier in today's world."

K O'Connor. Trustpilot, June 2024

No pressure – and that’s a promise!

We’re here to help you make confident decisions with your money. So if you choose to speak to us about your goals, we’ll aim to give you the information you need and answer any questions you have.

For peace of mind, there’s no pressure to buy our products and services. You can take your time to decide your next steps.

No pressure promise logo

You're protected up to £85,000

Your eligible deposits with Skipton Building Society are protected up to a total of £85,000 by the Financial Services Compensation Scheme (FSCS), the UK's deposit guarantee scheme.

Learn more about the FSCS