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Savings help

Looking for help managing your savings? Browse our range of topics below and click on a section to view more information.

Frequently Asked Questions

Not all ISAs allow transfers in or out, so please check your account terms and conditions for details. Our ISA transfer explained page explains all about ISA transfers and details of how to make an ISA transfer.

There are a couple of reasons why this might have happened. The first thing to do is to make sure that the address on your bank account matches the one we have on file. Addresses that don’t match are the most common reason for a card to be declined.

It could also be because you’re attempting to pay a large sum. Occasionally your bank may stop the payment for security purposes.

If you’ve checked these and the payment is still being declined, please contact us.

To help make sure your payments go to the right place, we now use an industry-wide service called Confirmation of Payee (CoP). 

When you, or others make a payment into a Skipton account, we’ll check the details provided against those on the payee's account and confirm if they match. If a payment is processed after we have confirmed the name doesn’t match, the payment may be sent to the wrong account, and we might not be able to recover the money. 

When you add a nominated bank account to make withdrawals, we will check that the name on the receiving account matches the details on your Skipton account. 

You can request to opt out of having your details checked when people send payments to your Skipton account. However, we'll only agree to an opt out request in exceptional circumstances. 

To proceed with your opt out request, you'll need to complete the Confirmation of Payee Opt Out form [PDF] and provide identification. 

Please see the Proving Your Identity leaflet [PDF] for details of acceptable documents and ways you can provide them. 

If we approve your opt out request, you can opt back in at any time using the same form. 

If you’re registered for Skipton Online, you can: 

  • Update your email, postal address or telephone number(s) in Skipton Online. Log in to your account and then visit the ‘Personal Details’ section which you’ll find on the left-hand side. 

You’ll need your extra layer of security to hand. This can be either your Secure Passcode within the mobile app or your One-Time Code. 

Other ways to update your details: 

  • Update your telephone number, email or postal address by calling us on 0345 266 0978, in branch or by writing to us. If you’d like to change your postal address over the phone, you’ll need to have set up a memorable word for telephone access. 

If we don't have your signature on file and you're changing your details by post or in branch, we may ask you to provide verification of your signature. 

If your savings account was opened in branch, by post, or over the phone, you will receive your Certificate of Investment within 30 days of your account opening or maturity date. If it was opened online, you will not receive a Certificate of Investment as you can view your account information on Skipton Online or in the Skipton app.

There’s lots of help and support available to you. You can find out more and exactly what you need to do next on our Bereavement page.