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Annual General Meeting 2024

Our Annual General Meeting (AGM) was held on Monday 29 April 2024 at 2pm. And this year, we were pleased that members could join us, and vote, both in Skipton and via our live stream.

"We've had 170 great years – I want to make sure we’re setting the platform for a further 170 years of service to our members."

Stuart Haire
Group Chief Executive

AGM information

Thank you for voting!

We really value your opinions and feedback. As a mutual with no external stakeholders, voting at our Annual General Meeting (AGM) is a really important way for our members to shape the future of the Society.

A person looking at a laptop

Our AGM results

It was great to see that so many of our members took the opportunity to have their say. All the items of business were passed at the meeting based on all the votes received from our members. 

And, we’re pleased to announce that our next charity partner, as voted for by our members, will be Age UK. 

AGM 2024 results [PDF]

What we talked about

The speeches summarised our successful year and our plans for the Society. We talked about the issues that matter to our members, such as diversity and sustainability, and we were asked some great questions.

AGM 2024 minutes [PDF]

Meet your board

Your board is responsible for our governance, strategy and business performance, and they’ve been selected for their skills and experience. They bring their own specialist knowledge of different organisational cultures and industries, and they want to do the very best for members and grow the business over the long-term.

Meet your board

AGM information by email

You can register to receive your AGM voting pack by email rather than post in future.

Register for email