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Are you on track for the retirement you want?

Our free Pension Health Check for members could help you see what you might need to do to move in the right direction.

a couple looking across a sunlit harbour

When you’ve worked your whole life towards your retirement, the last thing you should have to worry about is having enough money to realise your plans. So, let’s talk it over. 

We want to help you and all our members feel more confident about retirement. That's why we’re offering all our members a free Pension Health Check.  

We just need a few details from you about your current situation and we can start the conversation from there. You only need £1 saved or a mortgage with us to be a member. 

Your Free Pension Health Check: how it works

1. Book your free appointment 

Use the call back form below and we’ll be in touch to arrange your Pension Health Check. 

2. A 30-minute conversation 

Our experienced colleague will talk to you to understand how much you might need to have saved to achieve the retirement you want. Then they will calculate how much you currently have in your retirement savings and help you work out if you might be on track. 

3. Your next steps 

At the end of the conversation we’ll talk through your options and highlight any further conversations you could have to help you make your money work harder towards your retirement. 

What do I need to bring to my appointment?

On the day of your Pension Health Check, you’ll need:

  • Your current yearly income
  • Your latest pension statements for all plans held
  • Your monthly pension contributions (both employee and employer)
  • Other retirement savings (e.g. ISAs and investments)
  • Details of any other sources of income you expect in retirement (e.g. from rental property).

If you need to locate any lost pensions details, the government provides information for how you can track them down on Find Pension contact details - GOV.UK

Request a call back today

To book your free Pension Health Check simply request a call back and we’ll be in touch at a time that suits you.