Buying a property is rarely easy, but with a number of government-backed schemes available to give you a helping hand, home ownership could be closer than you think.
A scheme designed to help first-time buyers onto the property ladder by offering homes at a discount of at least 30% (compared to the market price set by an independent valuer).
Shared Ownership allows you to buy a share in a property rather than pay the entire market price.
If you’re aged 18 to 39, a Lifetime ISA helps you save towards buying your first home. The government pay a bonus on your contributions, but withdrawal restrictions apply.
The Forces Help to Buy scheme allows service personnel to borrow up to 50% of their salary interest free, to help them buy a property with a mortgage.
Help to Buy Wales equity loans are available for both first-time buyers and existing homeowners.
Beyond the government schemes, we offer other first-time buyer mortgage options that could help you take the first step onto the property ladder.
You could lose your home if you don't keep up your mortgage repayments.