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My Money Review

Talk with our savings specialists and get free advice to help make your money go further.

Smiling man at computer desk

A conversation worth having

Looking for help with your money plans? Our free My Money Review service could give your financial future a boost. It’s a friendly conversation where you can discuss your finances, ask questions and get personal recommendations to help you make more of your money. 

Tell us your goals

Our friendly savings specialists can talk to you about your finances. We’ll ask you about your priorities and goals, and help you discover how your current plans stack up.   

We'll tell you how you could achieve them

At the end of the chat, you’ll get a summary of your situation. If there are ways you could make stronger plans, we’ll offer personalised recommendations for you to consider.

Best of all, it’s completely free!

There’s no charge for this service. You’ll have all the information you need to think about your future. And there’s no pressure to act on any recommendations you receive. 

If you have an hour to spare, this is a conversation you won’t want to miss

You can have a My Money Review at any Skipton Building Society branch, using our Skipton Link video service, or over the phone.

My Money Review in four simple steps

  1. Fill in the form below to request a My Money Review. We’ll call you back to arrange your appointment.
  2. Talk to one of our savings specialists about your wants, needs and any plans you have for your money.
  3. We’ll give you tailored information based on what you have told us, including highlighting ways we could help you make more of your money. 
  4. Take the time you need to make decisions and let us know if we can help – no pressure!

Book your free appointment now

We just need you to provide a few details now. Then you can sit back and wait to hear from us. 

Personal details

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Enter first name

Enter last name

Contact details

Enter phone number

Enter email address

Enter a vaild email address.

Enter house name or number

Enter street

Enter town or city

Enter county

Enter postcode

Enter a valid postcode

Select a topic to talk about

Select a time for us to call you

Prefer to call us?

Book your appointment by calling us on 0345 600 6857