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Already an attorney for a Skipton customer

How to register as a Power of Attorney for a Skipton customer

We'll need a few things from you if you need to register a Power of Attorney document on a Skipton customer's account:

  • The Power of Attorney document, stamped by the Office of the Public Guardian if it's a Lasting Power of Attorney, or if the customer has lost mental capacity and the document is an Enduring Power of Attorney.
  • A completed Account Registration Form [PDF].
  • Identification if you or any other attorney to be registered are not existing Skipton customers. If you’re over 18 we will usually use an electronic verification system to confirm your Identity, which will not affect your credit rating. If you fail the electronic check we will request two pieces of identification to verify your identity. See our Proving your Identity [PDF] leaflet for acceptable forms of ID.

Can I use a copy of the Power of Attorney document?

Yes, but the copy needs to meet our criteria. If you or your attorney do not want to, or are unable to provide the original Power of Attorney document you can provide a copy, confirming it is genuine by having it certified by one of the following:

  • The donor of the power (if they have the mental capacity to do so)
  • A solicitor
  • A notary public
  • A stockbroker.

Do I need to add anything to the Power of Attorney document?

Yes, on the bottom of every page of the copy the person who is certifying it must write:

“I certify this is a true and complete copy of the corresponding page of the original lasting Power of Attorney.”

And, on the final page of the copy, they must also write:

“I certify this is a true and complete copy of the lasting Power of Attorney.”

Each page should also contain the following:

  • Signature of the certifier
  • Full name of the certifier
  • Name of the certifier
  • Address of the certifier (or address of their firm if they are certifying in a professional capacity)
  • The date of certification.

Where do I send completed documents?

Please send your completed documents to the below address:

Customer Delivery
Skipton Building Society
Principal Office
The Bailey
North Yorkshire
BD23 1DN

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