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Stocks and Shares ISAs

With interest rates lower than many savers would like, is it time for you to think about doing things differently? While savings accounts are still ideal for your short-term needs, there might be another option for your long-term goals. If you’re comfortable with the risks involved, a Stocks & Shares ISA could be right for your next move.

You could currently invest, up to £20,000 each tax year, in a Stocks & Shares ISA with the help of our expert Financial Advisers.

Why invest in a Stocks & Shares ISA?

  • Pay no tax on investment growth or interest earned on the ISA
  • In the current tax year, you can invest up to £20,000, minus any amounts already saved in other ISAs in this tax year ISAs
  • Potential for a better rate of return than with a Cash ISA if you are comfortable with putting your capital at risk
  • You don’t have to declare an ISA on your tax return

Why get advice from Skipton?

  • Invest at a risk level you’re comfortable with
  • Tailored recommendations to suit your needs
  • Free initial consultation to help you understand your options
  • A team of experienced experts to help you make the most of your investments
  • You only pay for our advice if you act on our recommendations

Investing might be right for you if:

  • You have a lump sum of £20,000, or £500 a month to invest, not including your emergency funds.
  • You’d like expert advice to support your financial planning.
  • You’re comfortable with the level of risk involved and you’re looking to invest for at least five years.

If you’re not sure investing is for you, you can speak to our team and find out more about the benefits, risks and your available options.

Book your FREE initial consultation about financial advice

Looking to transfer an ISA?

If you already have money in an ISA and you'd like to use it to start or top up a Stocks & Shares ISA, you can request an ISA transfer. Transferring your money this way means your ISA funds retain their tax efficient status. Request a call back to find out more about the process for ISA transfers.

How do I open a Stocks & Shares ISA with Skipton?

You’ll need to speak with one of our Financial Advisors to invest in a Stocks & Shares ISA. They’ll talk you through your options and answer any questions you might have. So if you want to open a Stocks & Shares ISA, or you’d like more information, you can arrange a call back and we’ll get in touch with you.

Important information

Stock market based investments are not like Building Society savings accounts. The value of your investments and any income can go down or up and you may get back less than you invest(ed).

The tax treatment of investments depends on personal circumstances. Tax rules may change in the future.The way your investment is taxed depends on personal circumstances. Tax rules may change in the future.

Request a call back today

Book your FREE initial consultation to find out if financial advice might be right for you. Simply fill in your details and we’ll be in touch at a time that suits you.

What to expect

  • The call will take as little or as long as you need.
  • We'll ask a few questions to understand your situation.
  • You'll also be able to ask any questions you have and find out how we can help.
  • And, there's no obligation to take things any further.

Alternatively you can call us on 0345 607 9802

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