We've redesigned our website to improve your experience. You may see some pages with the old design, until we’ve updated them all.

Updating your marketing preferences

Protecting your data is important to us. We'll limit the data we collect about you and won't share it unless we need to.

We'll aim to be open and transparent about how we use it, and we won't keep it for longer than we need to. You can decide whether you'd like to receive marketing communications from us about our products and services and how you'd like to be contacted. If you change your mind, you can change your preferences at any time.

Learn more about our Privacy Pledge.

Keeping you in the know – our promise to you

Saying ‘yes’ to marketing means you’ll hear about our exciting news! But we promise to only get in touch about marketing in a way that suits you.

  • We’ll only contact you about products, services, news, offers and other information that we think you’ll find interesting.
  • We’ll only contact you using the contact method(s) you’ve given us permission to use.

How you can update your marketing preferences

Let us know how you’d like to hear from us. You can update your marketing preferences using the methods below:

  • log into your account on Skipton Online. If you’re not already registered for Skipton Online, you can register here
  • use the Skipton app
  • write to us at: Skipton Building Society, Principal Office, The Bailey, Skipton, North Yorkshire, BD23 1DN
  • visit your local branch
  • call our Contact Centre on 0345 266 7754

Life & Money email preferences

If you have signed up to receive our Life & Money email communications and no longer want to receive them, you can unsubscribe using the link in the emails we send you. You can also unsubscribe via the Life & Money email preference centre, following the instructions provided.

You can opt-out at any time

We’ll always try our best to talk about interesting things, but you can change your mind about receiving marketing. You'll still receive service communications from us, for example information about changes to your account and annual statements.