Working with Skipton

Find out all you need to know about who we are, our culture and our processes so you can make the most out of a mutual relationship with our Society.

Why work with Skipton Building Society?

Founded In 1853, Skipton Building Society set out to help people create a better future by providing a good place for people’s savings and helping people own their own home. More than 165 years later, our purpose remains the same. From our people, to the environment and the communities we serve, we’re helping to build a better future. This commitment to our customers extends to the products, goods and services provided by third parties throughout our supply chain. All suppliers are expected to comply with all relevant aspects of law, regulations and standards.

All suppliers are expected to act in a way that supports our core values of: trust, ownership, one team.

Our code of conduct

Skipton Building Society is committed to being a responsible and sustainable business. We support the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), an ambitious plan to end extreme poverty, inequality and climate change by 2030. There is much we can do to support the SDGs, and our commitment to these goals extends to our supply chain. This is why we've created our Supplier Code of Conduct.

We’ve identified that 10 of the 17 SDGs are most relevant to our supply chain, which can be found in the below document.

Purchase order process

Skipton Building Society operates a purchase order system to ensure efficient processing of invoices for goods and services.

Please ensure that you only supply goods and services ordered by Skipton Building Society by way of a formal purchase order document.

Skipton Building Society ask that all delivery notes, goods receipts notices and invoices sent by you clearly show the valid purchase order number as we will be unable to receipt orders or process invoices without one. This will help to operate an efficient goods received and payment process which in turn should be an advantage to you.

All invoices should be emailed direct to the Purchase Ledger team at with a copy sent to the person who placed the order with you. Please do not accept any notification of a change to the primary Purchase Ledger email address unless you are contacted directly by the Purchase Ledger team.

SBS sends remittance advice by email so if you could send an appropriate email address to it would be very much appreciated.

Need more help?

Email us

Send an email to our procurement team.